I-Shine Cleaning Services cleaners are heavily trained.

- Popular Constructions: Architects have popularized the open ceiling concept in various commercial properties from retail clothing outlets to grocery stores. This construction style has a certain visual appeal whereby HVAC tubes, conduits, and structural components collect a considerable amount of dust. The accumulated dust may present an eyesore to both store management and customers.
- Shortcomings of Open Architecture Ceilings: Gravity is the foremost opponent of this type of ceiling’s exposed open structure. After a certain period, the accumulated dust, cobwebs and sundry airborne things will gain sufficient mass to fall to the floor. Certain grocery stores have expanded their food offerings with cafeteria type food displays. Wouldn’t a large dust bunny falling into a food tray certainly make lunch less appetizing? The health aspect of performing high dusting has its advantages. The health attribute is something that cannot be ignored. Many health clubs embrace the open architecture for its aesthetic attraction, but the ceiling could very well harbour certain allergens that could adversely affect their patrons. Elimination of these possible respiratory particles should be a high priority. During the cleaning of the open ceiling of a health club, the club members approached our cleaning crew and thanked them for performing the cleaning. Some members also thanked the club employees. Management certainly took notice.
- Proper Cleaning of the Open Ceiling: Several years ago, a potential customer asked I-Shine Cleaning Services if we could perform a high dusting of the various components of an open ceiling. The matter was researched and studied over a short period, and it was decided that the proper way to perform the cleaning was via vacuums. Special vacuum attachments were also purchased, and we are now able to clean up to 20 feet from the ground. If higher ceilings are encountered, lifts are used.
Some high dusting companies use equipment that knocks the dust and dust bunnies off the open ceiling components and has the debris fall to the floor. It makes little sense to move the problem from the ceiling to the bottom to clean up the floor. It is best to attack the problem and resolve the issue where the problem resides.